Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Fawn Design Diaper Bag

Watch my full review here

You guys, I have been on a search for A YEAR for a diaper bag that meets all my needs.  I am on a mission.  Literally I live and breathe this stuff because there are so many to choose from, yet many of them fall short on what I actually need.

Today we talk about Fawn Design.  You should watch my video.  I will tell you everything I like and everything I don't about this bag.  I am here to tell you honestly about all my finds.

Let's talk about diaper bag needs.  These are my own.
My top 10:
1 - It needs to be beautiful.  It just does.
2 - It needs to be easy to organize  It should have plenty of pockets and pockets that are big enough to fit my stuff, but not too big that I overfill them!
3 - It needs to be comfortable to wear.  90% of the time I have it I am also chasing (literally chasing) two boys.  I need it to move with me.
4 -  Not too big.  Not too small.
5 - It needs to be made well with quality products.
6 - The price point needs to be affordable.
7 - I don't want it to scream diaper bag.  I want to carry it even when I don't have my kids.  Like 2% of my life.
8 - It needs to be durable.
9 - It needs to carry water bottles.  This deserves it's own number,  It's very important,
10 - It needs to have a zipper.  Because sometimes there is a chocolate candy bar hiding from my kids.

You probably have a few to add or take away.  But let's agree that we need beautiful functionality that is comfortable and easy to access.

We have used the Fawn Design bag for about three weeks now.  There are some things I love.  There are some things I don't.  It easily knocks off some of my top 10, but not all.

Let me tell you my favorite things:
- It's a really cute bag.  It doesn't look like a diaper bag.
- It's affordable.
- It's easy to carry and as an added bonus it's a backpack.  Making it even easier to carry!
- It's cute.  Wait, did I say that?

Now let me tell you some of my least favorite things:
- The pockets aren't big enough.  I can't carry water bottles in the pockets.
- It's hard to organize.
- It's heavy.

Overall this is a great company doing really great things.  The bag is well made and beautiful.  It misses some of my pocket desires and makes carrying some of my essentials hard.

Watch here as I unpack it and tell you how it works for me.


  1. Hi! loved the video, can you tell me what other bags you like or have used? I'm tempted to just get an insert for my totes but like the convertible bags. Currently looking at the Ju JU Be, Fawn, and Paccapod. Let me know any suggestions!

    1. Hi there! I am currently using an Occhi Co. Bag that I love. It has a ton of pockets, but it isn't convertible. I also love the Lily Jade bags. Many of them are convertible, but they are selling out quickly lately. I've looked at both the jujube and paccapod, but I haven't tried them. Design wise I'm not sure I love the looks of them. Here are a couple others that are convertible, that I haven't actually tried but look promising:
      Leader Bags.
      Better Life Bags
      Bodo Mint -
      Coco and Kiwi -

      Hope that helps!

  2. I was just looking at the Bodo Mint bag! Thanks for your help!
