Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Wee Sprout Reusable packets and tray

Watch the full review here!!

You guys, my kids are addicted to eating out of pouches.  It's my own fault.  Its so easy and convenient.  And clean.

And expensive.  Plus, do I really know what goes in that food?

I was looking for a solution to my kids pouch addiction that would allow them to contunie to eat out of them.  But I didn't want a packet that was hard to clean - OR that would grow mold because I couldn't clean it all the way.  We are trying to make life easier!!

Enter Wee Sprout. Made by parents, for parents.

These packets are easy to use and easy to clean.  They help me be more environmentally conscious, more aware of the foods that my kids are eating and they are saving me money - especially because they are so affordable!

Plus my kids love them.

Wee Sprout also offers a reusable cube tray.  I wish so badly I would have had this while Leo was eating only baby food.  It is very well made and easy to pop the frozen food right out of.

I have primarily been using it for my food actually - watch here and I will tell you how.  It makes making healthy smoothies a BREEZE.

Wee Sprout is making my job easier and our lives healthier.  And I wouldn't just say that.  I love these products.
And... because I think you should know.  These products are on SALE.  Right now.  Go, check it out! 

Products c/o Wee Sprout.  All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Fawn Design Diaper Bag

Watch my full review here

You guys, I have been on a search for A YEAR for a diaper bag that meets all my needs.  I am on a mission.  Literally I live and breathe this stuff because there are so many to choose from, yet many of them fall short on what I actually need.

Today we talk about Fawn Design.  You should watch my video.  I will tell you everything I like and everything I don't about this bag.  I am here to tell you honestly about all my finds.

Let's talk about diaper bag needs.  These are my own.
My top 10:
1 - It needs to be beautiful.  It just does.
2 - It needs to be easy to organize  It should have plenty of pockets and pockets that are big enough to fit my stuff, but not too big that I overfill them!
3 - It needs to be comfortable to wear.  90% of the time I have it I am also chasing (literally chasing) two boys.  I need it to move with me.
4 -  Not too big.  Not too small.
5 - It needs to be made well with quality products.
6 - The price point needs to be affordable.
7 - I don't want it to scream diaper bag.  I want to carry it even when I don't have my kids.  Like 2% of my life.
8 - It needs to be durable.
9 - It needs to carry water bottles.  This deserves it's own number,  It's very important,
10 - It needs to have a zipper.  Because sometimes there is a chocolate candy bar hiding from my kids.

You probably have a few to add or take away.  But let's agree that we need beautiful functionality that is comfortable and easy to access.

We have used the Fawn Design bag for about three weeks now.  There are some things I love.  There are some things I don't.  It easily knocks off some of my top 10, but not all.

Let me tell you my favorite things:
- It's a really cute bag.  It doesn't look like a diaper bag.
- It's affordable.
- It's easy to carry and as an added bonus it's a backpack.  Making it even easier to carry!
- It's cute.  Wait, did I say that?

Now let me tell you some of my least favorite things:
- The pockets aren't big enough.  I can't carry water bottles in the pockets.
- It's hard to organize.
- It's heavy.

Overall this is a great company doing really great things.  The bag is well made and beautiful.  It misses some of my pocket desires and makes carrying some of my essentials hard.

Watch here as I unpack it and tell you how it works for me.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Racing Laces

Watch my review here!

Raise your hand if you've been walking with your children (likely your hands are full) and one of them stops in his tracks and says, "My shoe's un-tied!!"  He can't tie his own shoes and refuses to take another step until the shoe is tied.  Now raise your hand if you have a little wiggle pants on your hands who can hardly hold still long enough to get a shoe on - let alone tied!!

I have an answer for you - Racing Laces.

Designed with the athlete in mind, these laces are comfortable, keep your shoe in place and do not come un-tied.  AND perfect for kids too!!  My sweet Max is not to the point of tying his own shoe, but truly can't hold still long enough to get a good knot.  These are so simple and easy and I am not chasing him around to tie tiny laces anymore!

I'll show you in my video, it takes about 10 seconds to install with their step by step instructions and you can be running, climbing mountains or your little one can be free to run, run, run without those darn laces moving anywhere.

I love these and I truly DO NOT miss re-tying his soccer shoes every time we leave the house.

And look how cute they are on his soccer shoes!  The laces come in 10 colors, everything from bright to neutral.

Thank you Racing Laces!!

And because our friends at Racing Laces are so generous, they are offering you a DISCOUNT!  Man, oh man, I love a good discount!  Racing Laces will give my readers 25% off when you purchase through Amazon.  Use code A2CDXWUN at checkout.  If you have shoes that tie - go.  Go now!

Laces c/o Racing Laces.  All opinions are my own.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Safety 1st Oven Lock

Imagine my horror as I turned from doing the dishes one day to see my 1 year old son climbing on the oven door into the oven. We needed to childproof the oven immediately! And we did.

Watch my YouTube review to see how. And how to use it. Because if you're like me, you need someone to show you. 

I'm not exactly sure where the obsession of the oven lies. I like to think it's my amazing cooking that makes my boys want a peek inside the magic box. No matter the reason, the oven and be super dangerous and we have tiny lives that need it locked up tight. 

The safety 1st lock looks nice on my oven, is easy to use and keeps my kids from pulling the hot oven door down. 

As parents of young children there are many things you need to baby proof. This tops my list. I don't want to imagine what could have happened without it.

You can purchase it here if you're in need of keeping little ones out of the oven!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Puj: Treads, Snug and Phill Up Cup -- PLUS A GIVEAWAY!!!

Hello my friends!  

(READ to the bottom for details on the GIVEAWAY!)

Today we are talking about a few bath time products.  Plus cups that can be used anywhere.
To see the video review - head to my YouTube channel and watch me talk your ear off about how what I think.  Really, I have so much to say!  The video is HERE.

Puj.  What a cute name. Pronounced pudge. They specialize in all things bath time and kid products to make Mom and Dad's life easier.  I will tell you about three of those products - the treads, the snug and the phill up cups.
Let's start.

The treads: 

Bath treads to prevent slips in the tub.  
Pros:  These are easy to install and cute - without being too cutesy and childish.  They actually do their job... they are tready and really grippy.
Cons:  If you have tread in your existing tub they won't stick as well.  Because they are tready and grippy, they can also be uncomfortable to sit on. 

I would only recommend these if you are truly in the need for tread.  They serve their purpose and give a cute look while doing so.  Ultimately, we don't need extra tread and by boys didn't like sitting on them.  They were moved to the bath wall for extra decor.

The snug:

Prevents falling or banging into the faucet during bath time
Pros: No more tears because someone hit or was scratched by the faucet!  Cute design.  Doesn't absorb water and won't grow mold.
Cons: The shower valve has gotten stuck in shower mode once or twice and we have gotten a suprise shower when we turned the water on!! 

I would recommend this, again if you need facet coverage.  I really like this product. It fulfilled a need for us, again, without being cutesy. Plus, it's made from the leftovers of their infant tub, so they are reusing product that would otherwise be wasted.  Cool.  The boys pulled on it the first few baths and it didn't pull off or rip.  They hardly notice it now and when they inevitably stand up and bang their head, it doesn't hurt!! Love this.  Just make sure the shower valve is down! 

The Phill Up Cups:

A reusable cup.  Each cup comes with a nub to hang.
Pros:  The cup has a home and everyone knows where to find it.  Cute colors, but again not cutesy. Kids are excited to use their OWN cup.
Cons:  The nub needs to adhere to a smooth surface and once secured can't move to a new location
These cups come in a 1. 2 and 4 pack. We use 2 in the bathroom - one on the mirror and one in the tub.  And 2 in the kitchen - on the fridge and used mostly for snacks.  My kids drink mostly out of reusable water bottles to prevent spills in the house, but if we used cups - it would be these.  I like that everyone has their own color.  I like that they have a place to go and cups aren't piling up at my sink.  I like that I can hang a snack on the fridge for Max and he can grab it and isn't searching through the pantry.  I really really like these.

Like I said earlier, our treads have become wall decor.  We just don't have a huge need for extra tread.  I could stick them to the bottom of the tub and they sort of suction to the bottom, but then I have to clean them up after bath time, which I don't need.  Our bathroom surround is smooth and they stick great there. If I had a smooth tub that my kids were slipping in, I would try again.

Bottom line, I like this company and what they have to offer.  I like their ideas and their products.  If I had an infant who wasn't moving all over the place, I would try their infant tub.  I am sold on the foam that the from the snug is made out of and appreciate that it doesn't absorb water and collect mildew.  The cups make my life more convenient.  Puj pronounced pudge.  Check them out.  And while you are at it.... check out the giveaway happening RIGHT NOW!!! You could win one of the products I reviewed that you need in your life!

You will win one item I reviewed, pictured above, in the color you choose (if applicable).
Like the photo below and tag a friend on Instagram or Facebook and get ONE entry (tag as many as you want, but one friend per comment, please). 

Share the post on Instagram, Facebook or via this blog and get TWO entries.  (Comment below if you have shared via the blog).

You must be a follower of Fresh Look by Amber on Instagram OR subscribed to this blog OR YouTube channel to win.  Prizes will be shipped only to the cont. US.

Contest ends Friday March 25th at 8am PST.  Thanks for entering!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Covered Goods multi use cover

Hello, hello!

If you want to skip right to the video review - check it out here!

Let me tell you a story.  When my first son was 2 months old we took him to the Oregon Coast. Have you been?  The Oregon Coast is BEAUTIFUL, and with it only a couple hours from our house it is a fun destination.  It was summertime.  The wind was howling, like it does at the coast and the breeze was cool.  Yes, summertime at the beautiful Oregon Coast does not mean warm.  We dipped our feet in the water,  let our pup play fetch in the sand and I wrapped a warm blanket around my then tiny babe.  It was great.  Until it wasn't.

I knew the time for baby eating was fast approaching and I made a plan in my head.  I'll just sit here, in the sand, and feed the baby.  It will be soothing to sit by the ocean.  A magical moment for both of us.  Wrong.  He got hungry, I hunkered down and he would not latch.  The wind and sand blowing in his face did not make for a magical eating experience.  I got out a blanket and tried to cover him for shelter.  The blanket blew and the breeze was cold.  He cried.  Nay, he screamed.  Now he was really hungry.  Frustrated, I said to my husband, "I am going to head to town and feed him there." After a brief "are you sure?" conversation I took of running.  Baby in tow, through sand.  Let's just say I was moving as fast as I safely could.  He was screaming that sad new baby scream and I was sweating.  As a mother, I just wanted to give my baby what he needed.  Fast and comfortably.  It took a while to run from the water to a wind-free spot.  Baby crying, mom near tears, I sat on a stair guarded from the wind and fed my baby.  It was the first time I nursed in public and it was a horrible experience.

Oh, how I wish I would have had a guarded nursing cover then. Something that would have blocked the wind and sand without blowing away.  Something that would have allowed me and my babe to have a private moment together while I sat on a stair on the walk path.

Enter Covered Goods.  Now, with my second child I have that covered moment.  And I cherish this piece of material more than I ever knew - and my sister in law, for introducing me!  If you want to be covered, nursing in public, go HERE now.

This cover gives us 4 options: nursing cover, car seat cover, shopping cart cover and scarf.

We use it most often as a nursing cover and car seat cover.  I love both of these options because the jersey knit material is breathable and stretchy.  My baby isn't stuck under a heavy cover or blanket, but he is protected.

Let me tell you my top 3 reasons for recommending this product.  Then, check out my video review HERE or keep reading and look at pictures while I babble.

Reason 1...  I CANNOT handle carrying around too much stuff.  Between diapers for 2, wipes and snacks (OH THE SNACKS!! Why is everyone ALWAYS hungry?! Me included) extra clothes, wallet, toys, blah blahhh... I don't need, nor do I have room for a blanket, nursing cover, cart cover and car seat cover.  A 4 in 1 is a mom's best friend.

Reason 2... I don't like my back hanging out.  I don't always wear nursing friendly shirts.  I just don't.  I commit to nursing for too long to limit my wardrobe to shirts that are easy access.  Plus, I have so many layers.  Inevitably my shirt is just being lifted to gain access and therefore my back is hanging out.  I don't want strangers (or anyone for that matter) starring at that beautiful hunk of skin above my pants. This nursing cover gives me 360 coverage.  I could have my shirt completely off for all you know.  And you don't, cause you can't see.

Reason 3... The prints are like a cute accessory.  Covered Goods has a print for every one.  Neutrals and prints, feminine and masculine.  Seriously, something for everyone and if there is one thing I love, it's having a baby product that doesn't scream "BABY".  Their patters are chic and on trend, a little personality in your baby accessory.

Reason 3a.... sorry, one more.  Aside from the before mentioned 4 uses this cover is made for, we particularly love using this cover as a blanket.  Both of my sons love this as a blanket in their car seat, or I have wrapped the baby up in the cover at the park as an extra layer.  I have also heard of people using the cover during skin to skin time in the hospital.  I didn't, but I wish I would have.  That skin time is so important for mama and babe right after they are born and while I don't really care what the nurses see (haven't they seen all of me anyway?) I don't want to grab a blanket when someone brings me lunch or changes the trash.  So now we have a 6 in 1 product.  I love it even more.

Head over to Covered Goods, as fast as you can.  Buy yourself a cover.  Or your friend. Or both. You will thank me later.

Thank you Covered Goods!  Cover pictured c/o Covered Goods.  All opinions are my own.